Contact Us

Nourishes with Passion

Sicily in every part of the world

  • logo-contatti-di-dolcefrio
  • Dolcefrio di Bartolomeo Simonte
  • street Salvatore Motisi, 14, 91100
  • Xitta, Trapani, Sicily, Italy
  • Email Address:
  • Telephone Number: (+39) 0923 038341
  • Timetable Hours:
    • Monday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Tuesday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Wednesday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Thursday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Friday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Saturday: 08:30/13:00 - 14:30/18:00
    • Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Privacy policy

of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

Type of Data handled

DOLCEFRIO di Simonte Bartolomeo (nel seguito anche “Azienda” o “Titolare”) è impegnata nel rispetto e nella protezione della tua privacy e desidera che ti senta sicuro sia durante la semplice navigazione del sito sia nel caso in cui decida di registrarti fornendoci i tuoi dati personali per usufruire dei servizi resi disponibili ai propri Utenti e/o Clienti. In questa pagina Dolcefrio intende fornire alcune informazioni sul trattamento dei dati personali relativi agli utenti che visitano o consultano il sito web accessibile per via telematica a partire dall’ indirizzo (il “Sito”). L'informativa è resa solo per il sito web di Dolcefrio e non anche per altri siti web eventualmente consultati dall'utente tramite link (per i quali si rinvia alle rispettive informative/policies in tema privacy). La riproduzione od utilizzo di pagine, materiali ed informazioni contenuti all'interno del Sito, con qualsiasi mezzo e su qualsiasi supporto, non è consentita senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Dolcefrio. E' consentita la copia e/o la stampa per uso esclusivamente personale e non commerciale (per richieste e chiarimenti contattare Dolcefrio ai recapiti sotto indicati). Altri usi dei contenuti, servizi e delle informazioni presenti su questo sito non sono consentiti. Relativamente ai contenuti offerti ed alle informazioni fornite, Dolcefrio farà in modo di mantenere i contenuti del Sito ragionevolmente aggiornati e rivisti, senza offrire alcuna garanzia sull'adeguatezza, esattezza o completezza delle informazioni fornite declinando esplicitamente ogni responsabilità per eventuali errori d'omissione nelle informazioni fornite nel Sito.

Origine - Dati di navigazione

Cookies, data for use, including e-mail addresses are collected by DOLCEFRIO autonomously or using third-parties services. For different data collection please refer to other sections of this policy.

Personal data and navigation data, automatically gathered by the site or voluntarily supplied by the User are collected to make the browsing experience more efficient. The data collected by Dolcefrio or web third parties through cookies is
finalized to deliver an experience that reflects interests preferences of the User in the manner and for the purposes strictly linked to the service requested. Cookies do not record any personal information. If the User refuses to provide some data, he will not be able to fully use the functionalites of this website. The User will assume total and complete responsibilities for publishing or sharing personal and/or third parties personal data.

Purpose and legal basis for processing Personal Data

Data provided by natural and legal persons and collected by Dolcefrio will be processed for the following purposes:

  • 1) to check that services offered via the Website are functioning correctly;
  • 2) to obtain statistical information about use of the services and the Website, for example, most visited pages, number of visits per hour or day, geographic areas of origin, etc.
  • 3) in the event that express consent has been given, for promotional and advertising purposes connected to the “Login” section. In this case, consent given to the processing of personal data authorises Dolcefrio to send promotional offers and marketing messages related to Dolcefrio’s products and services using automated means, such as email, as well as conventional means such as postal mail or operator-assisted phone calls;

Data processing methods

Data collected will be handled, stored and processed using electronic means and will be saved on electronic media as well as on paper, in databases and on any other suitable type of media. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use of the data and unauthorized access to the same.
The data will not be visible to other users filling in the forms and will not be distributed; it may be communicated to companies, associations or professional firms responsible for managing the three forms or responsible for dealing with the customers’ requests. A list of third parties that may receive the personal data is available on request from the contact details specified in Point 6.

The Website uses cookies: for further information, please read our Cookie Policy at the following

Data retention period

Personal data collected and processed as a result of a user visiting the Website will be retained for the time needed to perform the services requested by the customer and then immediately deleted.
Data collected and processed in relation to services referred to in the forms will be retained for a period of time not exceeding that required for the purposes for which it was collected and subsequently processed, including in relation to the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations and to document activities performed. The data will be processed as long as the data subject does not withdraw their consent.

Rights of the data subject

With regard to the data processing mentioned above, the data subject has the right, at any time, to exercise the rights set forth in the Personal Data Protection Code (Article 7) and the Regulation (Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21), namely the right to: a) access their data; b) request the rectification, updating, integration, deletion, limitation or portability of said data; c) object to the processing of said data; d) withdraw their consent to the processing of said data and e) lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, in accordance with the procedures and instructions published on the website

Data controller – Contact data

The data controller is DOLCEFRIO di Simonte Bartolomeo, Via Salvatore Motisi - 91100 Trapani (TP) - P. IVA 01790360810 The person responsible for data processing in the company is Simonte Bartolomeo, who can be contacted at the email address or at the telephone number (+39) 0923 038341 for any information about the data processing methods or to exercise the rights listed above.

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